Salamanca, España

Our Engagement Story.

In the garden of Calixto y Melibea, where legend has it the book Celesitina (published in 1502), took place. Many have compared the story to the Spanish version of Romeo and Juliet. Manu decided to turn a weekend getaway into a romantic day that we both will look back on as the weekend we were officially engaged. “Since Nicole is an avid reader of old literature, mostly tragedies, I knew she would appreciate a garden based on Spain’s Romeo and Juliet.” Just a week before our 3 year anniversary together, we were now engaged.

En el jardín de Calixto y Melibea donde según la historia de la Celestina, Calixto declaró su amor por Melibea. Muchas han nombrado esta historia el Romeo y Julieta español,. Manu sabiendo que a Nicole le encanta la literatura pensó que apreciaría este detalle para hacer la pedida allí. Justo una semana antes de nuestro aniversario juntos, y así ya estábamos prometidos.